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Ph.D., Psychology, Grand Canyon University

  • Emphasis: Integrating Technology, Learning, and Psychology

  • Dissertation: How School Librarians Describe Their Experiences Within Facebook Groups for Professional Learning

  • Dissertation Chair: Dr. Toi Dennis

M.S., Library Media, Alabama State University

B.S., Education, Columbus State University

Work Experience

Classroom Teacher

K-5 School Librarian

9-12 School Librarian

Instructional Technology Coach

ESC (Education Service Center) Project Coordinator of Distance and Digital Learning

SimpleK12 Professional Development Provider

GCU Dissertation Team: Content Expert

Leadership Experience

#TLChat Twitter Chat Co-Founder

EdCamp Atlanta Co-Founder

ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Librarians Network President

Librarian Mentor: Texas Women's University

Librarian Mentor: University of North Texas

TL News Night Co-Founder


Class A, School Library-Media Specialist (101) Grade Level: P-12 Library-Media (0H6)

Class B, Elementary (75A) Grade Level: K-6 Elementary Education (0N1)

Class B, Secondary (16A) Grade Level: 6-12 General Social Science (022)

Google Certified Teacher Level 1

Google Certified Teacher Level 2

Google Certified Trainer Public

Health-480 (CITI Program)

RCR for Social and Behavioral Science Doctoral Learners (CITI Program)

Social Behavioral Research for Students (CITI Program)

Research Interests

1:1 digital initiatives, school libraries, educational technology, STEM, STEAM, makerspaces, education, psychology, robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, gamification, social media, connectivism, TPACK, SAMR, PBL, collaboration, and new and emerging educational technologies.


Robertson, Nikki D. (2014). Put your Twitter glasses on and bring professional learning into focus. School Librarian’s Workshop, 34(5), 11–12.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2015). New job tips for veteran and newbie librarians. School Library Connection, 1(2).



Robertson, Nikki D. (2017). Nikki Robertson shares tips for YALSA’s Teen Tech Week. School Library Journal.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2017). Connected Librarians: Tap Social Media to Enhance Professional Development and Student Learning. Portland, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2018, July 30). Starting at a new school? Here are five essential tips. School Library Journal,



Robertson, Nikki D. (2018) Top takeaways from the ISTE national conference. Publishers Weekly, 265(34), 50-54.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2019, July). Empowering students to be masters of their own learning. Empowered Learner, 8-9.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2019). Expanding school library collections: The makerspace edition: Makers spaces as a collection. Knowledge Quest, 48(2), 8.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2019, September 12). How to connect your classroom with social media. ESC Region 13 Blog.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2020, March 19). How to make the switch to online teaching. ESC Region 13 Blog.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2020, March 19). Resource Roundup: Strategies for Online Teaching Related to COVID-19 School Closures. ESC Region 13 Blog.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2021, August 17). Back to school time in the library! ESC Region 13 Blog.



Robertson, Nikki D. (2022, November 15). Library centers allow students to be masters of their own learning. ISTE Areas of Focus blog.


Robertson-Griffin, N. (2024). How School Librarians Use Social Media to Stay on Top of Issues and Trends as Digital Leaders. Knowledge Quest, 52(5), 52–57. ERIC.

Awards and Grants

ASLA Ann Marie Pipkin Technology Award

AASL Bound to Stay Bound Grant

AASL Program Pioneer Social Media Superstar

Hutto ISD Professional Support Staff of the Year


#Edupassions Conference Presenter

AEA (Alabama Education Association) Minority Leadership Conference Presenter

AETC (Alabama Educational Technology Conference) Presenter

ArLA (Arkansas Association of School Librarians) Conference Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter ASLA (Alabama School Library Association) Conference Presenter

Columbus State University Instructional Technology Conference Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter

Dodge County School District Professional Development

EdCamp Atlanta Co-Founder and Presenter

EdCamp Birmingham Presenter

EdCamp Cardigan Presenter

EdCamp Leander Presenter

EdCamp Lockhart Presenter


ELAR: Leadership Forum Presenter

ESU SLIM KASL Summer Institute for School Librarians Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter

FETC (Florida Educational Technology Conference) Presenter

Follett Community Webinar Presenter

Future Ready Librarians Webinar: Back To School with Future Ready Librarians! Tips and Tricks from Experts

GaETC (Georgia Educational Technology Conference) Presenter

GISL (Georgia Independent School Librarians) Conference Presenter

GLMA (Georgia Library Media Association) Summer Conference Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter

Hacking School Libraries Conference

Heard County Schools T3 Conference

HippoCON Presenter

Idaho School Librarians Summer Summit for School Librarians Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Conference Presenter

LearnFest ATX Conference

Library iCon: Library Resources Conference Presenter

METC (Midwest Education Technology Community - now innovate) Conference Keynote and Featured Presenter

Metro Nashville Public Schools Conference Keynote Speaker

Model Schools Conference (International Center for Leadership in Education)

Modern Libraries, Now! A Panel Discussion Webinar

NATC (North Alabama Teaching Conference) Presenter

NCCE (Northwest Council for Computer Education) Library Summit Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter

NJASL (New Jersey Association of School Librarians) Webinar Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter North Carolina School Library Media Association Annual Conference Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter

Northwest GA RESA Presenter

Palm Beach County Librarians Conference Keynote Speaker and Featured Presenter

SCASL (South Carolina Association of School Librarians) Conference Keynote and Featured Presenter

Shawnee Mission School District Professional Development

SimpleK12 Presenter

TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) Conference

TEKSCON Presenter Texas

STEM Conference Presenter

TLA (Texas Library Association) Conference

TxLA: Tech Camp (Texas Association of School Librarians) Conference Keynote Presenter

West GA RESA Presenter


Doctoral Research:

How School Librarians Describe Their Experiences Within Facebook Groups for Professional Learning




The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to understand how certified public school librarians in the United States describe their experiences within librarian Facebook groups for their self-directed professional learning. Two data sources with 14 semi- structured interviews and two focus groups with 7 participants each were conducted. Connectivism, a learning theory for the digital age, was the theoretical foundation for this study in which four research questions were created. All four questions centered around how certified public school librarians in the United States described their experiences within Facebook groups for their self-directed professional learning. Participants were asked to describe their experiences within Facebook groups for their decision to access and participate, their experiences of sharing and accepting resources, their experiences of social support, and experiences with diverse people. The resultant themes that emerged from this research study were: (1) professional learning outside of what is provided by the school, district, and state (2) joining Facebook groups (3) open to sharing resources (4) not open to sharing resources (5) open to accepting resources (6) social support (7) diverse group members and their perspectives (8) diverse group members found in different types of groups. Based on the resultant themes, a better understanding of certified public school librarians in the United States descriptions of their experiences within librarian Facebook groups for their self-directed professional learning was achieved. The researcher recommends more research be conducted on librarians' professional learning needs.


Keywords: Librarians, certified, public school, Facebook, self-directed learning, professional learning, professional development, connectivism, agency, openness, connectedness, and diversity

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